If you're interested in a Barrows set, I would recommend

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Bring 1k broads. You'll be using 500-700. Switch the runescape cheap gold helm to either the neitiznot or the veracs. Legs switch to prossy or verac. Boots to either rune , or dragon. In terms of strategy goes, trapping the 180's with the 360's or 45's is one of the top priorities.

The other is the one that is killing the 90's. 360's and 45's must always be the last ones. Try to kill the 22's as quickly as possible as they consume prayer. The hardest waves are 53-60 that's the time when the 360/180/90 trio is out. It is important to discover the 90 and then go behind it, take it down, and then run around the 360 or either the dragon/italy rock, and then trap it while killing the 360.

Once you've reached jad level, brew/sup the full stats as well as an ranging pot. Then put on range pray. If he strikes you then your first goal is to know which attack it is that he's executing next. Then, you should only brew/sup/range in between prayer switches. If it's the healers, you must be praying eagle eye/steel skin and you either tank them or kill them one at a time. The latter is easier to do, time-wise however, it is also more risky. Have fun.

For stats , I'd recommend 85 Attack and Strength, and 80 Defense. You can use less stats, but it's not efficient getting slow kills/not enough kills per trip. It'd be nice to get Eadgars Ruse done, simply since it's a better way to get to GWD. I'd also recommend having the required Summoning Level for at minimum a War Tortoise to store things.

I made an effort to preserve the armor in check so that it's not too expensive. For instance, a Divine Spirit Shield would be the most effective shield but not everyone can even afford it. I hope this helps, if you'd like to have an inventory, just contact me. Most of the time, it's not difficult to determine the right answer.

Which barrow should I purchase torags or guthans? Both are reasonably priced for me. In addition, since I'm looking for the barrows set, should i not be working on a fighter torso? Also , what should i do with my dragon platelegs and rune platebody?

If you're interested in a Barrows set, I would recommend Veracs. The skirt and helm provide the best defense for their particular positions (of the armours for the barrows) and the brassard is a little weaker than Torag's, Guthan's and Dharok's plates. The brassard, however, Verac's offers a great prayer benefit (unlike other armours used by barrows) and is an exceptional set.

In the meantime, I'm assuming it's your turn to have Dragon Legs and you're aiming towards a torso for fighting, so what I'd recommend for you to do is keep them as your primary armor, but bring Guthan's set to make use of its special attack as a healing mechanism.

Your main armour set is non-degradable and also offensively friendly (torso gives strength bonuses, unlike barrows). Keep in mind that rs gp apart from Verac's and Dharok's in certain situations, all other Barrows Sets (including weapons) are useless.
