5 Reasons Why Prefer Invisalign To Get A Smile Makeover

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People who are not happy with their smiles often ignore getting them aligned because they don’t want to have braces.

Metal wired braces might be popular among children, but adults feel more conscious about their looks. The proof is the wide popularity of Invisalign in the Upper East Side. Invisalign are clear braces that are gaining immense popularity for being a discreet solution to correct your smile. Apart from the invisible aesthetics, there are five reasons to consider it over braces:

1.No one knows that you are getting a smile makeover: The best part about Invisalign is that the braces are not at all visible and it remains a secret. And no one around you can ever notice that you are correcting your smile.

2.Invisalign is comfortable: People who wear braces often face discomfort and soreness insider their mouth due to the continuous poking of the metal wires. Whereas, there is no metal part in invisible braces and it falls smooth against the skin.

3.Hassle free eating: You don’t have to worry about what to eat and what to avoid. Simply remove the aligners and eat your heart out.

4.You can see your progress: The aligner trays are changed every few weeks, which gives you motivation at every phase about your progress.

5.Time saving: The trays are easy to remove and you can switch to the next pair without even spending time visiting the dental clinic.

Bottom line
The discreet and comfortable solution for a smile makeover is highly effective. If interested, contact Dr. Michelle Katz, she is a specialist of Invisalign in Upper East Side.
