ELIOS VR Currency Swiss-based Flyability bills its Elios 2 as “collision-tolerant.” That’s a perhaps-understated evaluation for this 15.7 inch drone-in-a-cage since its “indoor” ruggedness has supported site surveys from dam-related elevator shafts to whether radioactive bars remained 34 years after the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl Ukraine.Looking like a “Star Wars” droid Elios 2 is designed to operate in confined dark environments. It’s fine in GPS-denied situations carries side-by-side 4K and thermal cameras and can produce 2D and 3D Pix4D images as well as HD livestreams. Its 10,000-lumen lighting system illuminates the shadows.
Late last week drone manufacturer Flyability shared a video of its Elios drone going deep into a Greenland ice cave in aid to researchers. The researches wanted to reach the bottom of the ice shafts to study the movement of water.Fashion company Moncler sponsored the mission for scientists to explore some of the deepest ice caves in the world. During past missions people have only ever been able to go down 400 feet into the cave which is less than halfway down. A simpler and safer option was required.By the way, you can buy cheap ELIOS VR Money from z2u.com
Energy supply company Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG (KWO) needed to appraise a deep pit blasted into the side of a mountain prior to installing an elevator in it. Lowering human inspectors via rope access or crane would have required examining multiple sections sequentially. Instead Elios 2 was able to start at the bottom and smoothly explore areas requiring assessment. Rather than three or four inspectors spending a week in the dark Elios 2 safely delivered equivalent work after about two hours of flight time.“The excellent results delivered by Elios 2 will allow us to plan our next project knowing our crew will be safe,” said Pascal Reber the civil engineering site manager at KWO.
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