I can see why cultural appropriation is a issue

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I remember Animal Crossing Bells watching somebody on Twitter indicating Nintendo must do a background check on their players so that they can't use hairstyles and skin colors that are not their race.This is officially the stupidest thing I've ever read, and I am officially down a few brain cells.

This is the identical game that goes full"sex is a construct" and allows you choose absolutely any outfits/body components and completely deemphasises pronouns when referring to your personality, is it not?

It might be, however I read it from more than 1 person so who know how serious they were. But even thinking about banning you from a match for using the wrong hair is ridiculous even as a joke.Can you imagine the fallout when one hairstyle has been marked as"For white folks"? Seriously, there is no winning there. There's enough division and despise the actual world, we do not desire it in a match such as animal crossing. Let alone the privacy implications.

I remember seeing some of this and folks are simply plain absurd. With that type of ideology, just Japanese people need to be able to play with Animal Crossing in the first place since it was made by a Japanese man based on his childhood in Japan. I hope they aren't using or wearing any items that don't belong to their own cultural heritage either most cases of what Twitter people call cultural appropriation is more along the lines of simply appreciating another culture. Eating foods, sporting clothing, usually that is perfectly fine, it's usually someone not of that civilization that produces the biggest deal from it. Most times when cultural appropriation is really around, it is blatant as hell, like blackface, or behaving out common hateful stereotypes.

To a certain degree, I can see why cultural appropriation is a issue. Taking something from a civilization and utilizing it in a disrespectful manner. Like creating a significant tradition to a joke is really shitty. However, as long as the source is respected, or at least not direspected, limiting things depending Nook Miles Ticket For Sale off ethnicites or where you live/were born is asinine. Learning from eachother is a good thing, knowledge and ideas should be shared, not restricted without good reason.
