The Best Ways to Treat Alcoholism

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Alcoholism is a serious problem, but there are ways to deal with it. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, there are many ways to treat it. Because of the severity of this issue, there are many people who are unaware that alcoholism is a chronic disease that requires lo

The Best Ways to Treat Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious problem, but there are ways to deal with it. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcoholism, there are many ways to treat it. Because of the severity of this issue, there are many people who are unaware that alcoholism is a chronic disease that requires long-term care and treatment. Some think that once someone has a problem with alcohol, they will always have a problem. Sadly, this is not the case.

In some cases, someone may have a genetic predisposition to alcohol abuse and become addicted rather than just having a social drink or two. In some other cases, someone may have developed a problem with alcohol due to external forces — for example, a life transition or a traumatic event. Or, in some cases, it could be a combination of these reasons.

Recognize the Signs

It is important to recognize the warning signs that your loved one may be struggling with alcohol abuse or dependency. Drinking long hours, drunk or hung-over appearance, hiding bottles or cans when people are around, drinking soda along with alcohol or drinking only expensive or rare bottles of alcohol, making excuses or covering for bad behaviors, withdrawing from friends and/or family, being secretive about alcohol, talking negatively about drinking, showing signs of irrational behavior, and other similar behaviors are all red flags that something may be wrong.

How long does alcoholism last?

The length of time a person is dependent on alcohol varies from one person to another, but, on average, it takes someone who is dependent on alcohol about 8 years to achieve lasting sobriety. This is a very slow process, though, and it can sometimes take up to 20 years of consistent sobriety before someone has fully recovered from alcoholism.

How do you recognize someone who has a drinking problem?

The only way to know if someone has a drinking problem is to be open with that person and be willing to talk about it. If someone is secretive about their drinking, it could be a sign that they are suffering from a drinking problem. Additionally, other signs and symptoms of alcoholism include being chronically hung-over, having a high tolerance for alcohol, the inability to stop drinking once someone starts drinking, making excuses for drinking, drinking excessively or in secret, making negative comments about alcohol, and other similar behaviors.

How do you treat alcoholism?

While no one can turn someone who has an alcohol addiction into a non-alcoholic, it is possible to treat alcoholism. Different treatment programs will have different methods and programs for addressing alcoholism; however, most programs will have you attend meetings with other alcoholics who are also trying to recover from this disease.

Some of the most effective treatments for alcoholism are: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Rational Recovery, and Dr. Bob are some of the more common programs in the treatment industry. Alcoholics Anonymous is the oldest and most popular treatment program for alcoholism. It is a 12-step program that teaches people how to live a sober life free of addiction. It is an anonymous group, so you will not be able to tell anyone that you are going to meetings or who else might be there.

Wrapping Up: Is alcoholism curable?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcoholism is a chronic disease that can be treated. It just takes time, effort, and motivation. It is important that people who have a loved one struggling with alcoholism recognize the warning signs and talk openly about their concerns. Treatment can be effective, but it won’t be easy. You will have to work hard and stay motivated for the long-term. But, with the right approach, you can beat this disease.

