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Life serves you hot!!! ??? making the most out of the reality of life...


I really don’t know how my mind wondered towards thinking about palliative this morning,must be the calming effect of the heavy rain that woke me up....

Palliative is one commonly used word now so I looked it up to understand the word better, below is the definition of the word palliative

Palliative means “something that makes a problem seem less serious BUT does not solve the problem or make it disappear” Medically, palliative care is usually given to people with terminal illness to help them ease their pains before the illness finally takes their life

Let’s make this understandable....

Palliative is like covering up blemishes on the face with makeup instead of getting a skin care regime and following a skin care routine to clear the blemishes ??

Palliative is a short term “solution”, it’s like sweeping ? dirts under the bed to make the room look clean but the truth is the room is still dirty and the air is polluted

A lot of us are currently looking for palliatives to life situations and challenges instead of facing them squarely and finding a lasting solution

Palliative is asking that your sponsor put people under you instead of learning to recruit and build yourself so you know how to rebuild when storms like corona virus hits your “2020” unexpectedly

Palliative is going to drink and party instead of sitting down to think of solution to that problem that is stealing your joy

Palliative is sitting on social media and looking for the next person to condemn and tweet about to make them look super bad because of the way you feel about yourself thinking it will make you look /feel less bad instead of taking the plunge to change into who you would love to be

Palliative is marking people you can beg from instead of asking them how to become financially independent like them even though you know it will be super tasking and require you “shake body”

A lot of us are taking the palliative route, looking for something to ease our pain instead of treating the illness

That it looks flawless doesn’t mean it is flawless when the chips are down, if you ever think of covering it up it means you don’t like how it is so make a decision to change it permanently instead

Stop looking for hand outs, yes situations might warrant you get palliative now but please don’t stop there, immediately you get the palliative, go and start thinking of how to make this the last time you would ever be in need of a palliative

It’s time to own a cure, have a solution so that you will stop collecting palliatives and start being in a position to give palliatives

It’s time to change YOUR narrative people

It’s time to think

It’s time to say enough

It’s time to rescue yourself

It’s time to think solution

It’s time to embrace the suck so you can have a solution to get the sweet

What’s it gonna be? Palliatives still or long term cure?

May the rest of the month be more beautiful and happy weekend ❤️
