One of my favourite fucking things is that body positivity

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I think of New Horizons Items like we had been all a scattered deck of cards and once we finally obtained the pile together and all the hearts/diamonds/spades/clovers back together so that we could serve as a complete... somebody fucking came along and decided to play 52 card pickup.

God I hate the entire world lol. These people have really grown up being told that they're appropriate with their circles on the internet too and just start to embody it as real people in jobs today and when the real world does not match their Twitter bubble they freak the fuck out

There is a quote a like but that I don't remember who said it when unfortunately and it goes something like"it's easier to convince a man he's being fooled then it is to convince him he's the idiot" and I think it's actually important here

Basically there is a demographic of people that are angry and perhaps even rather clever (but quite unwise) who when confronted by the reality of their own mistakes and failures rather decide that it's reality that is incorrect. Ego is a hell of a drug.Mark twain stated"its easier to fool a guy than to convince him he has been fooled." Not sure if that is what you are referring to. Either way It really is mad the lengths people will visit rather than own up to a error.

One of my favourite fucking things is that body positivity was appropriated by fat people who do not need to face the facts and lose the weight, instead of being used to assist people with lost limbs, surgical scars, and skin conditions.Or even: be optimistic about your body. I don't fucking care. It's likely a more animal crossing new horizons bells enjoyable way to live than being negative and fat about it and equally not doing anything about it (ie. What I am doing).
