What is endpoint security for business

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Today, threats to your company's information security come in many forms, and advanced hackers constantly change their methods and exploit unpatched software or lax employees. Endpoints, in particular, can provide easy targets for botnet malware. Ransomware can withhold data or black

What is endpoint security for business

Today, threats to your company's information security come in many forms, and advanced hackers constantly change their methods and exploit unpatched software or lax employees. Endpoints, in particular, can provide easy targets for botnet malware. Ransomware can withhold data or blackmail the owner, while spyware silently collects passwords. New advanced fileless malware, estimated to account for 50% of malware attacks in 2019, silently infiltrates through various channels, making detection difficult. Social engineering tactics, such as spear phishing and whaling, constantly test employees when trying to extract information.


In 2020, with the global pandemic forcing many employees to work remotely, organizations need to secure more terminals than ever. Attackers know that humans, who now often work outside the controlled environment provided by computers and office networks, are the weakest link in security. Forced out of the corporate structure, humans are more susceptible to misjudgment, creating opportunities for attack.


What is Endpoint Security?

Endpoint Security is a multi-tiered initiative focused on blocking threats and protecting network endpoints. Endpoint solutions function as centralized software with installations on each device. Endpoint platforms mirror larger systems with firewalls, access control, and vulnerability assessment to neutralize threats.


All endpoint security for business should provide data classification and loss prevention, insider threat monitoring, network and privileged user access control, anti-malware, email gateway, and Terminal Detection Response (EDR). ).


Furthermore, encryption and application control play an important role in terminal security. Encryption is essential to guarantee the protection of data in communications. Application control avoids risky use of endpoint applications, something humans are prone to.


Effective destination security is essential for today's businesses - closing all doors to the corporate home is no longer an option. Data is the lifeblood of the business and it is essential that the organization is able to protect it.

With the transition to security, security must now take place anywhere within a network. Centralized security systems are ineffective in today's dispersed landscape. Jose-Miguel Maldonado, Rubica's VP Business Ops Security, explains: "People are outside the physical security framework and today's attacks are very possible. Traditional solutions like integrated firewalls and antivirus are simply not enough."


As organizations grow, so do endpoints and the cost of defense. However, the cost of failing to protect your network can be much greater in terms of data loss, management fines, and damage to reputation.


On-premise endpoint security

This option is based on the protection of all network terminals by a solution hosted and maintained on internal servers. All costs are based on consumption - this includes space, electricity, cooling and personnel. Onsite software usually requires a large initial investment and can take a long time to install. For these reasons, this may not be the best option for budget-conscious organizations looking for faster solutions.

Cloud-based Endpoint Security

This option provides for the protection of all network endpoints from a solution hosted and maintained on the servers of the cloud provider. Often referred to as "endpoint protection," this solution provides an agile, cost-effective option that can be up and running in minutes. Cloud-based solutions offer numerous benefits, starting with access to vendor databases and monitoring that provides rapid response to threats. Plus, for a reasonable monthly fee, users get automatic data backups, faster patches for even remote devices, and remote system control.


Types of Endpoint Security


Endpoint security uses specific practices to block threats and protect your network. Here are a few to keep in mind:


Endpoint encryption - involves encrypting and encrypting data, making it undecipherable without a key. Encryption is the last and perhaps the most important level of security because it protects your data even if it falls into the wrong hands.

Forensic Analysis: Works in conjunction with EDR by monitoring all endpoint activity and creating a digital fingerprint of all incidents. All information and evidence surrounding an attack, what happened, who is responsible and the ensuing consequences, is collected and analyzed to prevent future incidents.IoT protection: Unfortunately, many IoT devices do not have adequate security when installed. What can your organization do to block IoT devices? Start by installing an EDR system to manage, monitor and analyze vulnerabilities. Make sure you disable outdated devices, install next-generation solutions, monitor all access to apps and devices, encrypt communications, and share your network to separate problems.

Email gateway - Email is the most common method for criminals to attack networks, so email gateway software is essential today. Secure emails continue in the system, while there are potential quarantine threats. All email gateways should include virus and malware blocking, content filtering, and mail archiving.

Quarantine Protection: This is the practice of separating dangerous files to prevent damage to devices and networks. Quickly separating dangerous files is essential to complete security, and quarantines also allow you to clean up valuable files rather than delete them.

