Despite the strong connection in Melvor Idle and RuneScape

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RSorder Offers Cheap Old School RS Gold(OSRS GP), Accounts, Items and Boosting. RuneScape Products (Old School, RS3) for sale with more surprises.

"Luckily the joy that I felt in those early months was with RS Gold me for the course of development, and being able to work in conjunction with Jagex direct on this is an absolute dream come true," he says. "I had no idea that I'd get support from the same studio that inspired me in the beginning.

The leap from a hobby into a fan project was certainly a scary experience However, when you look at the direction I've taken, and the help I've received from the beginning of Games by Malcs as an young and promising studio, it's definitely been the best."

Despite the strong connection in Melvor Idle and RuneScape, and the involvement direct of Jagex in the game, the publisher chose to keep the game an original IP rather than make it an official RuneScape spin-off. It was a an acknowledgement of the fact that Malcolm was successful in the place Jagex was unable to do so.

"We considered creating an uninvolved RuneScape game a number of years ago in the form of RuneScape: Idle Adventures," Pfeiffer explains. "In Alpha, we stopped development in order to concentrate attention on cheapest runescape gold main RuneScape games.
