How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction With fildena purple pills

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There are certain precautions to be taken when taking Fildena. The drug may have side effects, which may be temporary and will disappear after a few hours. The most important thing to remember is that Fildena contains nitrates, which include amyl nitrite and isosorbide dinitrate. To avoid the risk of experiencing side effects, follow all the instructions given by your physician. If you are taking Fildena for the first time, consult a doctor before you take it.

The main function of Fildena 100 is to improve erections. It works by increasing the amount of cyclic GMP, which is a substance found in the body. When this substance is present, it causes an increase in nitric oxide. This chemical is responsible for achieving an erection. Moreover, higher doses of Fildena can enhance the effectiveness of penile erections. It can be taken with or without food, and is recommended to be taken one hour before sexual activity.

Fildena 150 is a prescription medicine for erectile dysfunction. This drug is designed to stimulate blood flow in the penis during sexual activity. It can be taken either with or without food. If you choose to take it with food, you will likely experience fewer side effects than if you took the medication with a meal. For best results, store the medication at a temperature of thirty degrees. Make sure you keep the drug out of the reach of children or animals. The medication should not be kept in a humid place. It should be used within two years after its expiration date.
