Really wish I could give an answer on this issue

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Really wish I could give an answer on this issue

Dual Wield Magic exact identical as RuneScape Gold above except swap Sonic Wave for Concentrated blast. I rarely, if ever, use 2h Melee. I'm not sure what's going on there. A few suggestions for you to remember: If you apply snapshots with fragmentation right after Snapshot, the damage per second is unbelievable. If you apply Bombardment just before tight Bindings you'll be able to build a impressive damage stack.

If you've got Sacrifice, take advantage of it as much as possible, try and make those KO's for a huge heal. Utilize Sunshine as well as Death's Swiftness whenever you can. Berserk can also be used for Melee but isn't the greatest for Slayer as it only lasts for 20 seconds. If you ask a few PK'ers, they really understand combat and I've probably left a lot out.

Really wish I could give an answer on this issue, but I haven't done the research since the combat improvements update which has changed many capabilities. The problem is that Jagex has really, really poor communication between writers and code guys, and both website and ingame descriptions can be completely misleading compared to the actual code.

An example of this is Wild Magic pre-fight improvements The in-game and web description states that it should be able to do between 25 and 250% damage, however, in actuality it caused 73%-299 percent damage. There were numerous other incorrectly labeled abilities before combat improvements. There are many abilities that are labeled wrong, but I'm not able to find the details.

The other thing I would need to know is the proper recharge time for the abilities. Jagex has an incredibly annoying determination to RS3 Gold use seconds, rounding it off in an imprecise manner, rather than using decimal values or simply using the term "game ticks". Additionally, you should not ask players for DPS as it's very little importance in pking - it's about stuns prayers, defensives and high-burst damage combos. If you attempt to hit someone with a standard pvm strategy they'll tank you for days.
