If you were a novice, what is the quickest and most straightforward F2P-based quests available in OSRS without any requirements? The majority of them are easy RuneScape Gold, in fact. The most important thing you want are quests that can give you an experience or offer other useful information.
Your absolute goals would be to clear the following tasks that require different qualifications: Vampire Slayer for 4825 Attack Experience. Dragon Slayer for 18,650 experience in Strength and Defence and unlocking Rune Platebody. The Knight's Sword will give you that lovely 12 725 Smithing experience.
I have always been rather unlucky in RS. However, recently thanks to my fishing and herb runs , it has been able to accumulate some good money. I've wanted a Torva set for a for a long time but am starting to doubt its utility and its purpose.
I was reading about an examination that was run and it turned out that Malevolent came out at least 3m in contrast to Torva in terms of profit efficiency went. I love melee and generally prefer it to mage and ranged. I'm trying to get to 90 defense before I can start using Malevolent in any way.
I'm guessing my concern is that I'm pretty sure this has been discussed Old School RS Gold before but will it be worth it to waste 72m on Torva or is it better to hold off until I reach 90 defence to just purchase Malevolent and get some Drygores?