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I've always been weak in RS. But , in recent times, through my fishing ventures and herb-based runs, I've been successful in accumulating some cash RS Gold. I have been wanting a Torva set for some time now, but am beginning to question its value and use.

I read an article about an examination that was run and it seemed that Malevolent did at least 3m more positive contrast to Torva as far as profit efficiency went. I enjoy melee a lot and prefer it over ranged and mage. I still have to get to 90 Defence before I can play Malevolent regardless.

I'm guessing my concern is that I'm certain this has been discussed before but will it be worth the effort to spend 72m on Torva and would I rather wait to 90 defence to just buy Malevolent and then get some Drygores?

I'd use the Malevolent to be bossy and likely I'll also get a set of Bandos to tackle other melee concerns. Unless I take the time to purchase Superior Tetsu. This is a question for the future as I have to work on getting My Herblore, Prayer, and Summoning levels up quite a way too.

If I'm required to clean things up, please tell me. It's hard to figure out what you're working with , but I'd suggest you get Torva, or saving up to purchase Torva. Malevolent spits out dust, while Torva can be repaired Cheap RS 2007 Fire Cape. It also is well rounded and will eliminate the need for you to utilize Bandos that isn't terribly effective, even for mid-level slayer tasks in my opinion.
