But nobody ventures out into the wild risking Torva and Pernix

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But nobody ventures out into the wild risking Torva and Pernix

Still, I personally would not call PvP using the current combat system "dead combat" although it really is an individual decision. I'm with OSRS Gold you that fighting most non-boss monsters in the current system can be pretty boring, but it's not likely to always be that way.

EoC won't make fighting non-boss monsters fun... It'll just make you spam capabilities. I've played PvP during the game and it's great. Playing Beta... This is the time to be a fan. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.

But nobody ventures out into the wild risking Torva and Pernix. So, you could easily achieve a single hit of a 4000 whilst pking in rune - or something like a 4000, like just stun them, and then hit them a several times. They'll surely die. I'm not interested with PvP'ing any longer I'm sorry - unless, of course I'm using the OP'd out swifts/goliaths.

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