RuneScape - I've tested this on beta

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Ganodermics do pretty well with OSRS gold the majority of things that are magical. I've tested this on beta and when you die they don't perish, as an added benefit. Watch out for weapons that were previously equipped with special attacks since those attacks are coming back. Please refer to Combat beta to get more info.

The stuff with added critical rates are pretty useless IMO. Its more about accuracy and base damage rather than critical values. Thus, for example that a fire cape may not be as good as say the skillcape IMO.

I'm nearly 90 flat todayand only 2M of experiences stand between me and my target. I recently purchased a drygore mace, and have been trying to save for the offhand version. I'm almost entirely cleaned out however, and have to turn to hybrid Warpriest gear. What's the most profitable thing for me based on my stats? (While also providing competitive experience) So far, I've heard of Ascension creatures, Glacors, Automatons... What should I do to kill them?

I camped in the Chaos Dwarf Battlefield to get my drygore mace by the way. I'm not returning- it's repetitive and I'm looking for something different. Slayer is a safe bet. Abyssal Demon tasks are 1m per task with no drop. (Get 85 right away according to me) Warped tortoise is a fantastic task for shells. Easy 500k. Get clues which will average 200k at the end.

Ascension monsters may be the most effective option for you currently. Many people say Galcors however, they need more effort. The ascension monsters can be defeated very quickly and rune drops regularly ensure that the journey is worthwhile. I'd strongly suggest that you employ sinkholes to cheap RS gold gain 85 dungeoneering. Also, you can camp near frost dragons.
