I had 1.5m saved up and I've definitely never considered earning too amount of money

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I had 1.5m saved up and I've definitely never considered earning too amount of money

I had 1.5m saved up and I've definitely never considered earning too amount of money. it's time to take a sledgehammer I'm guessing. 241k maple longs waiting to OSRS Gold be smashed. Go for it, soldier. Slayer can earn you a lot of money when done correctly. Take advantage of it, and be one of your money pile.

There's no such thing as too much money. Don't be afraid of going an extra step in money making. If you truly want to earn money I'd never recommend using slayer as it is a huge reduction in xp/hr in the slayer. Use the best you can for slayer powertrains and make use of Frosts/Barrows for your money back. When you Frost enough, you'll profit despite the losses from powertraining with slayer.

Slayer isn't one of his most important goals. He's only looking for that extra dollar so he can pay for the summoning and prayer levels. I never once spoke regarding Slayer XP. I said powertraining, which means that his CB stats are but not for his Slayer level. The player should use other techniques besides Slayer to earn his money. Slayer is not a good option for XP.

I don't see why people are buying corrupt dragons in the first place. It's a waste of dollars to me. For the reason that Corrupt Dragon is one of the most effective F2P armour, PKers buy the weapons for the sake of get killed, while clanners purchase the armour to be able to tank longer. What if it doesn't disappear within 30 minutes?

Yes, it is but it also depends on how you apply it. If, for instance, you're practicing PKing, and only using an unclean dragon weapon to Buy RS3 Gold deal the final hit the weapon is going to last a while. A couple of good hit is the difference between killing or getting killed. If you consider the drop(s) you'd get in the event of PKing, it's possible to cover the cost in Corrupt Dragon.
