Okay, so I saw one of my friends today. He's 88 cm like me. He's got claws. Barrows and ags.. And for God's sake, he offered 60m to a friend earlier in the day RuneScape Gold. He informed me that the entire thing was created from bandos in Gwd, with random people that he gets to know there. So I'd like to get advice information on gear and such. Also , are there any requirements for the gwd? These are my personal stats. I plan on meleeing.
I gambled 20k on wildy today, and got 800k worth of loot, however I'd rather the gear will not exceed 2 mil. To be honest , you're is a bit low to go to Bandos, wait until that you're at least 80+ on each combat statistic. My friend has almost the same stats like me.. I really want to give it a shot. As a level-134 player I know that you'll be smashed and probably crash no matter where you go.
Do it! Eadgars Ruse to get Trollheim Teleport. And seriously, get at least 70 defense and prepare to crash within 5 minutes of entering each moment, all over the world and every team. hmm, il lvl def for torags...
and i'm not sure how, if tht was the case, my frnd wudn't have gotten tht kinda cash. Did you ever think about whether your friend lied? LOOL this is so true. Did this friend perhaps say the level of combat she had when she made all this money? This is the most common answer to each of the three.
Which one do I do? I reset every time I'm not able to complete any floors. What is the correct way to do this? Do I take the smallest level for every class? Do I rush or all rooms? Do I gain xp when I just enter a dead end or do I need to finish all of them Buy RS3 Gold? Do I need to train or dung? I level my att every 3 dungs right now. (32 att)