Lost Ark: How to find the hidden warehouse in the quest "Dalian Orchard's Secret"

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Dalian Orchard's location is a well-kept secret as implied in the quest "Dalian Orchard's Secret". Here's how to find it.

Dalian Orchard's location is a well-kept secret as implied in the quest "Dalian Orchard's Secret". Here's how to find it.

Lost Ark, like contemporary MMOs, tells players where to go to complete quests. However, "Dalian Orchard's Secret" is an exception, which requires the player to find a hidden warehouse with only background clues.

Before you start looking for Dalian Orchard's warehouse, you need to get Connie's Orchard Storage Key, which can be found in the Flowering Orchard area west of the Sien Inn. When you find the key, use it to take on quests, and that's where the fun really begins.

The mission description states that you need to find a locked warehouse on the north side of the orchard, however, the location of the warehouse is not marked on the map. Moreover, the description of the north side of the orchard is very broad, so the hints given by the game are not very useful.

Considering the large number of players who can't find the warehouse, this task is still difficult. While it may seem like the game is putting up early barriers for players, the task is actually a lot easier than it looks.

Lost Ark Gold

You can start at the Sien Inn or the nearby Triport, then head north, take the trail to the northwest, and continue in that direction. During this time, you may need to bypass some fences and trees.

If you've followed these instructions, there's a good chance you've reached a dead end. On the map it looks like a place in the middle of two larger spherical corners, this cul-de-sac should have a shack built into the wall. If so, then you've found the warehouse! You only need to walk in and talk to the NPCs inside to receive rich quest rewards. These rewards are good for the time it takes.

Finally, by the way. If you currently have characters created in Japan, South Korea and Russia, and you are short of Lost Ark Gold, you can go to MMOWTS to buy some for use. Or, if you want a better gaming experience in the Western version of Lost Ark, you can also sign up as a member of MMOWTS. It's worth noting that once you sign up, you can get up to 5% off when you buy Lost Ark Gold at MMOWTS!
