Kebabs are excellent meals when you've got the patience to purchase them. Power Ammy is better for coaching until 70-ish Str. Use your brain, don't do something dumb you will end up regretting. Iron Gauntlets out of FoG are the best melee Def gloves a 1 Def pure in F2p can possess, but are harder to obtain and fix than Green D Hide Vamps. Higher Magic lvl = Greater Magic Def. Regardless of how long it takes, and I am presuming you do not play a lot, or you did not now, since 25 Str is horrid. I could get that in like. . .45min. :D I am afraid to RS gold even give you an estimate honestly, but w/e, ~4 weeks.
I have NEVER done Bandos throne room first off, so that I DON'T understand everything there is to know about that. I have however read manuals and so on, so I understand abit. I know that a few of the gain comes from Granite Maces, but most of it comes in stone which you simply cut into bolt hints and market. There's also some alch-able items too, which give some profit aswell. PS: As they drops gems frequently, the Gem Bag from Dung are a great asset in your stock.
That I HAVE done (And adore ) Unicows. 3 in the event that you have the Ardy Cape, utilize it, if not, do it. Since these drop Unicorn Horns 100 percent of the time that you ALWAYS profit. You can never not gain from them, even when you're a idiot and suck Runescape, you can profit from Unicows.
I favor constant income/drops that way I've some type of company going on, where I'm not confused as to when I'll profit (Being unsure annoys me.) I would say that Unicows are better, only because: No experience in Bandos throne room myself to really compare. Odds to gain are more constant killing Unicows. Besides the pursuit, and being able to kill a lvl 25, there is hardly any requirements for using the Tower of Life. As to with Bandos throne room, I suppose there's afew pursuit that are of medium difficulty, and you need either large def, or prayer (And money.) There is NO WAY people may steal your kills at Unicows, since you summon the beast, and only you are able to kill it. ASSUMING people can steal kills at Bandos throne room since in the manual I read, it said you could bring a friend along with you to assist...
Avansies are great money (And Xp) from Best OSRS Gold site 70+ Range, so I do not know why you aren't getting at least 300k a hour. If you are getting that, and complaining, then nothing in RS is good enough for you. But here is other things I've discovered to be decent money manufacturers...
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