Learning and Memory Behavioral Testing Services

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Learning and memory are important functions and activities of the nervous system that are interconnected with each other.

Learning and memory are important functions and activities of the nervous system that are interconnected with each other. With the rapid development of neuroscience, behavioral science has been an essential tool to study learning and memory related disorders.

Our company has a professional animal behavior testing and data analysis platform, and is committed to providing high quality learning and memory behavior testing services to universities and research Institutes.

Fig. 1 Fear memory induction and testing in mice.

Fig. 1 Fear memory induction and testing in mice.

Why Should I Conduct Learning and Memory Tests

  • Abnormalities in learning memory function usually lead to a number of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, cerebral palsy, and stroke.
  • Behavioral tests provide an excellent research tool for the pathopharmacological study of neurological related diseases.
  • Different behavioral experiments focus on different conditions of use, and need to be selected according to specific application needs, combining multiple behavioral methods for comprehensive analysis when necessary.

You can divert your time and energy to more in-depth research in the field of neuroscience. Let Our company' professional team solve the whole process of learning and memory behavioral assessment services from test protocol development to data analysis for your breakthrough in neuroscience research. We offer behavioral experiments on rodent learning and memory including but not limited to

Object Recognition Test

Object recognition experiments are widely used in multiple researches in the field of memory related neurobiology and have received increasing attention from scholars.

Our company offers a variety of experiments to study object cognition, including novel object recognition experiments, object position recognition experiments, temporal memory experiments and situational memory experiments. We are committed to providing our customers with a multi-modal, fine-sensitive behavioral approach based on spontaneous animal behavior to meet their research needs.

Fear Conditioning Test

The fear conditioning test is a model involved in the process of conditioned associative learning, mainly for amygdala- and hippocampus-dependent memory. It measures the ability of animals to experience the association between learning, memory-aversive experiences and environmental cues.

Our company provides efficient testing services and reliable evaluation indicators to help customers better use the model for behavioral phenotyping studies in transgenic mice and knockout mice.

Active and Passive Avoidance Test

The avoidance experiment was established based on the rodent's nature of preferring darkness and tending to avoid harm. According to the escape mode of experimental animals, it is divided into active avoidance and passive avoidance. The former requires the animal to actively escape from the box with the aversive stimulus; the latter requires the animal to restrain itself without entering the box with aversive stimulus. This type of experiment is often used to study learning and memory.

We can offer many different kinds of avoidance experiments, including shuttle avoidance, pole climbing experiments, and step-down experiments, etc. We provide customized testing solutions to help our customers advance in learning memory-related research based on their specific requirements.
