Also for Trollheim, it's good to have rocks climbing

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One thing to note in this article that covers the various options available, however I'm pretty much in agreement. When it comes to juju-farming potions go, they're good addition to runescape gold any herb run. They give a 1 in 3 chance to collect 2 herbs at each time. I'm not able to do one with less than 50 herbs from 5 patches unless there's a death. My highest number is 70.

However, as Leaf says, it's unnecessary to be in Herblore's Camp Habitat just to make potions. I make them every week to get the quick bonus of finding all 10/13 jadinkos any seeds that I discover that are planted and utilized.

They're only good for a few minutes thus the most efficient method I've come across for getting every patch with one dose of potion is to go to the Trollheim patch, drink an ounce of juju in the farming pot, repeat step Ectophial Teleport to Port Phasmatys run to patch, REPEAT STEP the cabbage port (explorer ring) to Falador patch REPEAT STEP Cloak teleport to Ardougne Farm to REPEAT STEP, Camelot tab, run through to Catherby patch, REPEAT STEP. This doesn't leave much time to look around the scenery , so keep refilling buckets, talking about etc until after you've taken your harvest of Catherby.

The Repetition step one of the easiest to harvest(or obvious if they've died) Super compost, replant + note the herbs u harvested with the tool leprechaun. I employ the Camelot teletab leave Catherby to last in order to take up less inventory space, and in the event that I forget to replant , I can return on track to (most the time)) the other plants by using an easy teleport for free. Its also the closest to a bank which makes it very easy to take inventory and dump it or grab any items you've lost

Also for Trollheim, it's good to have rocks climbing boots, just in case, and if planting 2 or more kinds of seeds, make sure to use the most expensive or best quality. lol seriously if he has membership and is powermining on living rocks with the difference of 16 lvls it is a shambles chance . But if you're just going to powermine iron to 99, he'll likely get to 99 dung the first.

16 levels are not the same as a lot of exp at those levels in the 70s. You need 77 mining for concentrated coal. You must bank it instead of powermine. Gold Concentrated is level 80. If he's lucky enough to have the dragon choice runescape 07 gold the odds are that it will be a close race in my opinion. Rates for expenses shouldn't be drastically differing, but if have a strong team I'm sure you'll win the cut first.
