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Thunderclouds, or cumulonimbus clouds, form through a complex process of atmospheric convection and moisture. When the sun heats the Earth's surface, warm air rises, carrying moisture with it. As this moist air ascends, it cools, and the water vapor within it condenses into tiny water droplets, forming a cumulus cloud. If the air continues to rise and accumulate moisture, the cloud grows in size and eventually reaches the upper troposphere, where temperatures are extremely low.

Within this massive cloud, strong updrafts and downdrafts create turbulence, causing ice crystals to form and collide, creating electrical charges. This accumulation of electrical charges leads to lightning, followed by the loud thunder we hear. The ongoing convection and cooling keep the thunderstorm active, with the cloud structure constantly evolving. Thunderstorms can bring heavy rain, hail, strong winds, and even tornadoes, making them significant weather events.
