Choose Your Preferred Child Custody Arrangement

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The focus of any child custody and visitation action should be on what is best for the children, not on which parent has more money or who is willing to make up stories or accusations to win at all costs.

A child custody agreement is almost never easy to negotiate. Due to the wants and feelings that contribute to parenting a child and wanting to spend time with him or her, disputes about the child's future will add to court fighting.

Parents love and care for their children and want the best for them. These legally binding directives are anticipated to stay in effect for a long time. Courts and attorneys are now working tirelessly to find a solution that meets all of the parents' wants.

When a judge is given the task of deciding on custody, he or she will consider the children's ages, the quality of their living environment, and the children's preferences.

Numerous different factors, such as the school's location, the parent's ability to provide emotional support, each parent's goals, and any previous criminal history, all have a significant impact. Typically, an agreement will result in one of two living situations:

Joint Custody:- The authorities desire that a child be cared for by both parents. As a result, if it is feasible and desired, attorneys or the courts will work to devise a way for both parents to have an active role in their child's development. When both parents are allowed "substantial" time with their children, this is referred to as joint custody.

Sole Custody: In this sort of custody arrangement, one parent has physical custody of the child. The phrase "sole" might be misleading. The government, as previously indicated, wants the child to have a relationship with both parents. Having two great role models in a child's life has been proved to have a huge favorable impact on his or her growth and well-being. As a result, visiting privileges for the other parent are commonly included in sole custody agreements.

Please contact the office of Eric child custody as soon as possible if you require the assistance of a competent and trustworthy family lawyer who knows the stress, anxiety, and what it requires to advocate for your rights advantages in family law matters. Contact Eric child custody, the leading Child Custody Attorney Orange County, at 1-714-916-9800 for a consultation.
