However, it's not a popular game for most people to Mut 21 coins play since it demands a great deal of gear, but there are amateur football or flag soccer teams in every city and most universities. I myself played for 5years and then coached my university's team for two years. Who cares why they are doing it, can we at least respect that they are doing something? I imagine they already sent media policy material to different books in preparation of launching which trailer, and rather they're most likely spending a lot of time sending mails to say they are delaying it. Edit: Seeing a great deal of comments that are like: Well they are doing nothing. To that, I'll just answer, they might still be doing less by simply softly pushing back any proposed trailer reveals, which this remains a business twitter which means someone needed to get the tweet approved on some level, which means someone did something. It's not a great deal, but ... Nevertheless something.
Franchise mode has been essentially the exact same thing since Madden 25. They've removed lots of news stories, the old scouting system, relocation teams. Yea but has never actually been a massive outcry until now. I think that the outcry happening now is due to the fact that Next Gen is right around the corner. This new technologies can totally alter how madden franchise functions and we are not gonna let EA continue the cycle of adding minimal shit on next gen. Only my thoughts tho. The simple fact that they gave us SOMETHING following the hashtag is a reason to be positive.
MrHurriicane put it best. This isn't a win, it's just a first down. The community has to keep pushing . Correct. Should they make a couple changes the answer should not be to rush out and get the game, it should really be"thanks but still not enough". Pretty much. Honestly what they added was a joke. Anything they add now will probably look just like good. But I am still doubtful. So I'm not even sure what they could add to create franchise good again. And I am not buying it with them holding some big"Franchise Patch" promise if it is not at start.
They are working from buy mut coins madden 21 home at least till January 2021. Source: understand people who work at the madden office. For Madden 22? Maybe? I guarantee it has empty phrases and bullshit. We're less than 7 weeks away from the games launch right? What would they do last minute right now? An easy win for them is to roll something out like 3v3 online franchise style. They've already demonstrated their technical capabilities to achieve this with Squads. Guess what thoughthey won't or refuse to since 96 individuals playing a 3v3 connected franchise nets them $0 extra dollars. They want us playing UT; deliver your friends and your wallets.
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