Picnic Spots In Jaipur

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We want you to have to continue your enjoyment with your people (Friends & Family) we come with a new collection of Picnic Spots in Jaipur.

Discover the Most Scenic Picnic Spots in Jaipur

Jaipur, the Pink City of India, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and architectural wonders. Beyond its palaces and forts, Jaipur also offers a plethora of natural beauty and serene landscapes, making it an ideal destination for picnickers and nature enthusiasts. In this article, we'll guide you through some of the most picturesque picnic spots in Jaipur that are sure to make your outing a memorable one.

  1. Central Park

Central Park, located in the heart of Jaipur, is a lush green oasis amidst the bustling city. It offers a perfect blend of nature and modern amenities. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll around the pristine Central Park Lake, rent a paddleboat, or simply relax in the shade of the trees. The park also houses a musical fountain, adding to the charm of your picnic experience.

  1. Nahargarh Biological Park

Nestled in the Aravalli hills, Nahargarh Biological Park is a hidden gem for nature enthusiasts. This park is home to a variety of flora and fauna, and it offers excellent trekking trails with breathtaking views of the city. Enjoy a peaceful picnic amidst the serene surroundings while keeping an eye out for the resident animals and bird species.

  1. Sisodia Rani Garden

Sisodia Rani Garden is a historic garden with meticulously designed terraced lawns, cascading water channels, and beautiful pavilions. It's a great spot for a romantic picnic or a family outing. The garden's architectural beauty and tranquil ambiance make it an ideal place to relax and enjoy the company of loved ones.

  1. Kanak Vrindavan Garden

Located near the Amber Fort, Kanak Vrindavan Garden is a beautifully landscaped garden with lush green lawns, vibrant flowers, and a series of cascading fountains. The garden's stunning backdrop of the majestic Amber Fort adds to its charm, making it a perfect picnic spot. You can also explore the nearby Jal Mahal, which is a short drive away.

  1. Ramgarh Lake

If you're looking for a serene and offbeat picnic spot, Ramgarh Lake is an excellent choice. It's located about 35 kilometers from Jaipur and offers a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. The lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and makes for a tranquil setting for a picnic, bird watching, or boating.

  1. Jawahar Circle Garden

Jawahar Circle Garden is known for its stunning architecture and the world's largest stone sundial. The circular garden features a well-maintained jogging track, musical fountains, and ample green space for picnics. It's a great place for families to spend quality time together and enjoy the pleasant Jaipur weather.


Jaipur, with its rich heritage and natural beauty, provides a variety of picnic spots for all types of picnickers. Whether you prefer a historic garden, a serene lake, or a lush park in the heart of the city, Jaipur has something to offer. So, pack your picnic basket, gather your loved ones, and head to one of these delightful picnic spots in Jaipur for a day of relaxation, fun, and natural beauty. Enjoy the city's charm beyond its magnificent forts and palaces as you create lasting memories in these picturesque locations.

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