Fildena 150 Mg Tablet | Uses | Dosage - Buysafepills

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Fildena, a drug known for its ability to induce an erection, is known to treat erectile dysfunction.

Fildena 150: What is it?

Fildena, a drug known for its ability to induce an erection, is known to treat erectile dysfunction. With the help of this drug, you can become stiff and maintain stiffness.

A drug called Fildena 150 is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Despite erectile dysfunction, this brand of pills helps patients work hard. The generic ingredient sildenafil citrate contained in the tablets gives Fildena 150 its erectile-enhancing properties. This generic drug affects erections by increasing blood flow to the penile tissue.

Fildena 150 Dosage and Strength

As the name suggests, Fildena 150 tablets contain 150mg of generic Sildenafil. But wait. Although this article only discusses his 150mg dose of Fildena, there are actually multiple doses available under this trade name. As previously mentioned, multiple doses are available starting with the lowest dose of 25 mg. It is then followed by 150 mg, the second highest dose of generic sildenafil in this brand family, followed by 50 mg, 100 mg and 120 mg of Fildena. This is followed by Fildena maximum restricted dose of 200 mg.

Using Fildena 150

The main purpose is to treat ED and erectile dysfunction. Anyone who struggles with hard training will experience optimal benefits. In rare cases, doctors may recommend these drugs to treat her PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension.

How is Fildena 150 mg used?

Simply swallow it whole for maximum efficiency. Swallowing is the only way to take it, so if you have problems, you should talk to your doctor for information about other drug options.

Generic Fildena 150 mg tablet can be taken at any time as well as the intake timing. However, please note that the obvious effect does not appear immediately after taking it. In most cases, you need to wait about 30 minutes before you notice visible signs of an erection.

Functions of Fildena 150

Fildena 150 is a naturally occurring PDE-5 hormone inhibitor and general cGMP inducer that activate the vasodilatory effects of nitric oxide in penile capillaries, allowing more blood to flow through them.

How long can I take Fildena 150?

Once Fildena 150 therapy is started, it may last for several months, in some cases he may last for a year. Do not use this medicine continuously for more than 2 years.

Side effects

  • Headache
  • Dizzy
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Stomachache