Heavy-Duty Brick Pallets in Bhopal by Raj Ratan Industry

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Rajratan is the largest maufacturer of PAC pallets or Fly Ash Brick Pallet in India. There are wide variety of Fly Ash Brick pallets. These pallets are used in moulding of bricks,blocks and paver. These pallets helps to preserve nature and environment as they are made of composite of indus

Rajratan industry has become the leading manufacturer and exporter of heavy-duty brick in Bopal. These pallets are made of A one grade plastic material PP, LDPE, HDPE, Aluminium oxide, fibres and XLP metals. The composition of all these materials gives these pallets durability and longevity. Due to its heavy-duty property these pallets are very durable and cost effective.

Why are these pallets durable?

This is so because these are made from Hydraulic Machine and good quality material. Before these pallets are passed quality check is done on them, ensuring the customers that their requirements are met.

Advantages of heavy-duty brick pallet

  • Long longevity
  • These pallets are weather resistant, and can also be handled roughly and under all conditions.
  • These pallets can bear heavy load of the bricks, thus leading to less damage of bricks to construction industry.

Why should we choose heavy duty brick pallet of Rajratan industry?

  • The cost of these pallets is economical.
  • Rajratan provides a wide variety of range of heavy-duty pallets.
  • This company gives the option to the customers to choose the right type of pallet by providing them sample pallets free of cost before purchasing.



