RuneScape - The most efficient route to farming

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It is also necessary to OSRS gold bring secateurs (magic secateurs would be best) to harvest plants that are fully grown. Just follow the path in the following map for where to farm patches and rake patches. You can also plant seeds and come back when they have grown fully.

There are several kinds of herb seeds to use for both harvesting and planting, such as Ranarr, Snapdragon, Torstol Toadflax, etc. ensure you are using the best-performing ones. There seven herb patches available in RuneScape and some can be obtained through quests as well as other actions. The patches are located within Ardougne, Falador, Catcherby, Draynor Village, Port Phasmatys, Troll Stronghold and Harmony Island. Be aware that during Herb runs, in addition to your regular inventory for farming it is necessary to have seed dibber and secateurs.

Start your run in Port Phasmatys where you can take the Ectophile route. Go to the west, where you will find the first herb patch. After that, you can teleport to Ardougne and collect your herbs there. The next one is Falador and quickest way of getting there involves using Explorer's Ring. After that, it will go to it's Harmony Island via house teleporting tablet, Catherby, Draynor Village and Troll Stronghold. It's also worth noting that while wielding Magic Secateurs players have increased the probability of receiving herbs. A minimal amount will be six, but you're likely to receive more than 6 times that.

The most efficient route to farming that you can choose would be best one that will allow you to improve your farming each day. It doesn't require too much time and will help you increase your experience on a regular basis. Your run will begin at Varrock palace where you will discover your first forest patch.

Take to the Spirit Tree teleport or use Slayer Ring to access Tree Gnome Stronghold where there are two patches, one for normal trees and fruits. You can teleport yourself using the Spirit trees to Tree Gnome Village (fruit tree) Then follow Elkoy to move through the maze. Travel a little to buy rs 3 gold the west.
