What factors affect the positioning accuracy of gps tracker with temperature sensor?

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What factors affect the positioning accuracy of gps tracker with temperature sensor? We know that the application of gps tracker with temperature sensor now brings great convenience to car owners. We can quickly know what we love through GPS locator positioning. The location and travel tra

What factors affect the positioning accuracy of gps tracker with temperature sensor? We know that the application of gps tracker with temperature sensor now brings great convenience to car owners. We can quickly know what we love through GPS locator positioning. The location and travel trajectory of the car greatly reduce the risk of the vehicle being stolen. However, under certain conditions, the GPS tracker with temperature sensor will also be affected by many factors, resulting in inaccurate positioning. Let's take a look at what factors will affect the positioning accuracy of the gps tracker with temperature sensor?

1. Recognize the error of the equipment. Although the satellite is equipped with a highly accurate atomic clock, there are still errors in the atomic clock. Although the satellite orbit itself is very high, it will drift due to the influence of the earth’s atmosphere. Secondly, the receiver’s own clock also has errors and noise , These all affect the accuracy of positioning, but these are not the main ones.

2. Indoor activities are indoors. Due to cement walls and other reasons, the GPS signal will be weakened accordingly. This will increase the difficulty of searching. Such a GPS positioning function is almost equivalent to waste, and it hardly serves any purpose. At this time, you need the help of other positioning technologies (base stations, WiFi, etc.).

3. The indoor stillness is also indoors, but when your car is still in the indoor space, the positioning effect may not be so bad. However, there are currently some high-end car trackers with built-in WiFi function, but this does not seem to be useful. Without the assistance of an indoor locator, even if it is connected to high-speed WiFi, accurate positioning cannot be completed.

4. Outdoor activities and stillness. Generally speaking, in the outdoors without buildings or other obstacles, the signal received by GPS should be the strongest, which means that the positioning system function of the car locator is the most accurate.

5. Atmospheric interference GPS sends timing signals through radio waves. When the GPS signal passes through some charged particles on the ionosphere and water vapor on the troposphere, the signal has a lagging phenomenon. These delays cannot be predicted in advance, because they are affected by the weather and the atmospheric environment. In a good receiver, the influence of typical atmospheric delays is considered and corresponding corrections have been made. However, it is impossible to adjust the atmospheric changes. A real-time, accurate mathematical model is made, so the delay effect of the atmosphere on the timing signal still exists, which is another reason that affects the positioning accuracy.

gps tracker with temperature sensor https://www.eelinktracker.com/waterproof-bluetooth-GPS-temperature-tracker-BTT01-with-high-accuracy-temperature-sensor-.html
