If you're going to Best OSRS Gold site make a proposal, please note the price tag, as in how much money I might spend. The exp it gives, based on what skill. Also any other ideas you might have. Thank you. My family members might lose internet at the end of this month. I have a 1 month member ship cardand am trying to determine whether I need to use it, or store it till December. I am not positive if we'll get internet again, but I'm thinking of being a member today, because of the current pure character price (I want to receive the pure ess by exchanging the 23k rcing guild tokens I've in bank).
I would then spend the remainder of my membership getting cash, if I need some, obtaining the pine logs for 99 disadvantages (off the GE), and mostly, playing SC for hammers for 99 construction. Pros: Getting the supplies for 99 construction, and possibly selling pure character at a fantastic price. Cons: might lose internet, pure character may not sell, this month is a bit busy irl for me personally, so that I might not receive enough hammers to get 99 construction. Finding a 1 month card is actually hard, the stores around me, even those which are 45 minutes-1 hour off, are almost always from 1 month cards. And I really don't have a job anymore. So, what do you guys think I should perform? Oh, and can you sell your membership card back into the shop, if you have not scratched off, or revealed the associates code?
Dragon armour is awful, period. If you are going to spend that much, do yourself a favor and receive complete Bandos, it's like, a thousand times better. Dragon Platebody and Platelegs provide 173 Slash Defense, 171 Range Defense, and -10 Magic Defense. But what about the 6 power Bandos gives? 6 Power is only going to increase your damage by about 1, possibly two. With 28m, you could buy a more Dragonfire Shield, and with a little more you can throw a fury on top. It is only my opinion that Bandos is not as good for the money you spend. It's not"a million times better" 2 power raises your maximum by 1, 6 has the potential to increase it . 17 slash protection is nothing, that is like wearing an buy RS gold excess bronze chainbody for god's sakes.
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