A new game called Madden NFL 23 has

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The one question mark is what else will be included during the games? Are the increase in retirement benefits and minimum salaries related to Mut 23 Coins the proposal for 17 games? Will those disappear if the players don't agree to 17 games? If so, does getting an increase in pay for players who are younger and more benefits for retired players justify not receiving more than 49 or 50 per cent of revenue?

Some players would agree that it is. In the end, taking care of the entire group is the primary goal of the union, and even if giving up a tenth or two gets the core players more money in their pockets they'd definitely be for it.

Also, most players want their week 17 pay to be the same as that of the rest of the season. In the moment, the pay would be capped at $250.000 for that additional game. Then again, Peter King reported in his Football Morning in America column that players could request more money from their teams for Week 17. Of all the requests for additional cash, it appears that it's the easiest to receive.

The other holdup is something I've discussed at length: health care benefits after the player's careers are finished. At present, we are covered for five years insurance on health after we retire. Fans want more because a 17th game or extra playoff games pose more risk for the body.

A new game called Madden NFL 23 has suggested changes to the benefits of retired players, for example, establishing clinics in Madden NFL 23 towns for players who have retired to visit. The proposed changes raise questions, most notably, who pays for the services. Who is paying for the Madden NFL 23? To players, this isn't good enough and they'd like to be confident that they're protected with insurance that extends beyond those five years.

I've previously proposed this, but a tiered system to provide health care could be effective. If you play for four seasons and you get five years of health insurance. Five seasons = seven years health care and so on. I don't expect owners to Buy Madden 23 Coins offer players lifetime health insurance, and I doubt players will be negotiating this during negotiations.
