Why are Good Lashes and Brows So Important? Explained!

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Why are Good Lashes and Brows So Important? Explained!

Good lashes and brows are the most attractive features of the face. Never underestimate the power of fierce lashes and brows. While the transformative power of good vipper og bryn is certainly no secret, the past few years have seen a resurgence in the attention given to these facial features.

With services such as lash lifts and henna brow tints in high demand, your brows and lashes have never been so spoilt for choice. So why exactly are good brows and lashes so fundamental to your overall look?

Good Eyebrows Create Definition and Symmetry

Most of us have our own eyebrow-related scary experiences, whether that’s overplucking them the day before school photos or accidentally rocking the ‘caterpillars’ in high school. For two strips of hair, your eyebrows hold a lot of power. They are one of your most important facial features because they frame the eyes, which in turn shapes your face. They are also one of the first features that people notice about you.

Create a Sleek Appearance

Good brows create a sleek, polished appearance without any need for makeup. Brows that have been carefully shaped to suit your face will create the illusion of a facelift and largen your eyes. This is why you should take good care of your brows by regularly trimming, shaping, and filling them.

Good Eyelashes Widen and Brighten Your Eyes

Just like brows, Eyelashes do a lot for us; it’s easy to forget that they are essentially the guardian angels of our eyes, stopping dirt, dust, and other irritants from entering our eyes. However, the importance of eyelashes extends beyond their biological function.

Creating a Refreshed, Bright Appearance

Long, defined eyelashes can make a world of difference for your face by opening your eyes and creating a refreshed, bright appearance. This is because dark eyelashes emphasize the white of your eyes and the dark ring around your iris. Long eyelashes also emphasize movement around your eyes every time you blink and gaze, which will hold the attention of the viewer.
