It's true creating your own birthday invitation really is so much fun and something you could do together with the birthday kid. If you're not very crafty don't feel like there is nothing to do but buy some ready-made invitations from the local store, there are so many birthday invitation templates on the internet you could enjoy finding these together.
If the birthday party you are planning has a particular theme, simply surfing the internet is sure to bring up a fan site or two. If your theme is a popular kids' birthday party theme you will find that many of these sites even have birthday invitation templates ready for you to fill in and print. But certainly, these sites will have clip art pictures that you may be offered for sharing and including on the invitations you can put together.
Check Online
While looking on the internet for birthday party invitations you will very likely find some template software that will guide you step by step through the process. Template software gives you the best of both worlds, it is as easy to use as ready-made invitations that you really get to create yourself.
Important Information
The most important thing about your invitations is the information. Start with a nice big heading announcing the birthday party and be sure to include the theme of the party if you want to have your birthday party with a fun party theme. Pick a nice large bright font for this, but try to keep yellow for highlighting only, yellow is a little hard on the eyes. Then move on to the birthday invitation details.
Remember when sending out your birthday party invitations to keep a list of who has received theirs and check them off as they reply. Also most important, be sure to make up a couple more than you think you will need. Without fail you will have forgotten some poor kid, it's just in the rules it seems.