It will also come with new rewards

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Originally introduced in patch 7.2 initially WoTLK Gold, the Mage Tower was taken down in the wake of WoW's Battle for Azeroth expansion, effectively removing all its special benefits. It will reappear in the game as part of a rotating Legion timewalking event each week during which players can line up to dungeons in the Legion expansion and receive rewards of current level.

The Mage Tower will operate the same as it did when initially was introduced. participants being presented a number of challenging solo situations depending on their classes and areas of specialization that they must overcome. Players will be able to play challenges similar to the Mage Tower challenge repeatedly for the entire duration.

While the feature will sport the same challenges from Legion but it will also come with new rewards. In a blog post, Blizzard explained that players who worked hard to earn those rewards prior the tower closed in Legion would have their accomplishments diminished if the tower were to give those benefits a second time. Instead, it is now possible to use the Mage Tower will now reward with a new color of Legion armor that is unique to each class. All players who can conquer buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold all seven Mage Tower's challenges across several characters will be awarded with a special, account-wide flying mount in the Soaring Spelltome.
