I don't understand

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I don't understand which one of those two"2-notes" I'm supposed to select. Was I supposed to receive a third thing?? When I obtain the items out of Ari, I never find an option to"Walk away slowly" out of Ari, or an option to OSRS gold talk to him concerning"charming animals" or an choice to mention"Felkrash" and he never asks me for 1 gp over that I have on mehe just gives me the Snake Charm along with the Basket (once I fall gp into his basket). Would someone knowledgeable pleeeeeez article some detailed directions for me and everyone after me that becoming stuck on playing that flute??

What is the easiest method for me to earn money? I realize that there is, and am well aware of the existence of a profitable thread. However, I'm not sure that's the ideal way. I have about 1m money to spend. Also, what's better? A whip and glory, or dragon scimitar and fury?

I am aware that my stats are a little low, but stay with me. 72 Ranged, 72 Defence and 64 Prayer. With no food/brews and no prayer potions/super any boosts/stat restoring items, I got to wave 20. I dare say I could get further, but the 180 respawned in an awkward position and 2-hitted me. Judging from that, could I conquer JAD? I'm thinking of a list across the lines of the: 1 Ranging Potion, 10 Brews and 16 Super Restores, 50 Diamond Bolts (e) to Cheap RS gold assist with Jad.
