what is the data base

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In the field of computers, a database is a collection of information organized in a way that allows access, modification, and management with ease. Databases are used by organizations to store, retrieve, and manage information. With the development of databases around the middle of the las

In the field of computers, a database is a collection of information organized in a way that allows access, modification, and management with ease. Databases are used by organizations to store, retrieve, and manage information. With the development of databases around the middle of the last century, a new way to facilitate database management was invented, through special software called Database Management Systems (DBMS).

Database management systems
Database management systems are computer programs that specialize in creating and managing databases, and they allow both the user and the programmer special ways to create, retrieve, and modify data, that is, database management systems can be considered as interfaces between databases and end users, or between databases. data and application software.

Database management systems depend on special programming languages ​​called query languages ​​(in English: Query Language). A database management system manages three things related to the database, the data itself, and the database engine. Which allows data to be accessed, modified, or blocked, in addition to the database schema (in English: Database schema), and all of these things aim to ensure data security, credibility, and accessibility by more than one user at the same time (in English: Concurrency ), in addition to providing the appropriate tools for engineers and technicians in order to manage the database to the fullest

One of the tools that the database management system provides to technicians and engineers is what enables them to monitor the status and performance of the database, in addition to creating a backup of the data in it and the ability to retrieve it. Some database management systems also provide automated techniques to perform certain operations on databases such as restarting the system, And retrieve data, and create a record of all operations that took place in a certain period of time.

Examples of some database management systems are: Oracle Database, MS-Access, MySQL, Non-Relational Databases (NoSQL), and PostgreSQL. : PostgreSQL), and Microsoft SQL Server (in English: Microsoft SQL Server).

Benefits of use
The use of database management systems to organize and manage databases has several benefits, including the following: Data security. Techniques to enable multiple users to access data at the same time, in addition to setting priorities between them by locking the rule for some users (Locking mechanisms).

The ability to restore the system very quickly in the event of a defect or breakdown. Recording various activities on the data (in English: activity logging). The ability to deal with it and simply access the data through application programming interfaces (in English: API). Query languages ​​Query languages ​​are programming languages ​​that are used to retrieve data from databases and information systems by sending query sentences that are very similar to the English language, query sentences can be sent To search for and retrieve specific data from databases.

Query languages ​​can be used to create, modify, or retrieve data from database management systems. Structured Query language or SQL is an example of query languages. To retrieve all customer data in a company from a table called (customers) in the database, the following sentence (SELECT * FROM customers) is sent to the database management system.


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