Buying the First Shisha and Tobacco | Everything You Need to Know

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Buying the First Shisha and Tobacco | Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for the best shisha to buy, you should consider a few things first, especially if you are only starting out. There are several factors you should check out. First, you need to know where your specific shisha originates from, the different shisha sizes, materials, hose options, and more. In this guide, we will aim to help you find your best option. Apart from that, if you want to know where to buy shisha and shisha tabak kaufen, you’re at the right place because we can help you with that too.

Where Did Shisha Originate From?

Before getting started, let’s mention a few words about its history. The current form of shisha was invented in India in the 15th century when glass manufacturing exploded in the country. The entire shisha culture was swiftly received in Iran, where people used it to smoke a strong but flavorless tobacco type called Ajami.

The culture really bloomed during the time of the Ottoman Empire when it became a symbol of excellence, wealth, and power. Fast forward, your typical modern shishas are made in China by US-based and other countries. More traditional designs come from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt, among other Middl-eEast and Mediterranean countries.

Modern Vs. Traditional

When buying shisha, it’s easy to differentiate between these two types. Modern shishas tend to be lighter and often use components that are screwed together. You can disassemble these modern shishas for easier transport and improved ease of use.

Traditional options generally come in larger shisha sizes and are made with heavier materials. Traditional designs also tend to incorporate more materials. Different metal combinations such as stainless steel with either brass or copper are not uncommon. Brass is usually used around the most critical points like the check valve and the hose port. Used in the brazing process, the combination of brass and steel durability to the overall construction.


Some aficionados will tell you that the best shisha to buy in terms of materials is solid brass designs. These are solid, durable, and heavy pipes that can oxidize but will never corrode. The only backside to them is that they will need regular polishing and maintenance to remain shiny. Other fans will state that stainless steel with copper or brass is the best bet when the stainless steel is of good quality. The problem is that some manufacturers might only electroplate the exterior of the nickel leaving the inside vulnerable to oxidization and corrosion.

Shisha Sizes

The best height option will mostly boil down to personal preference. You might think, “I’m buying my first shisha, and large models look frightening,” then you should know that while size might mean more maintenance and care, there are no other significant differences between different shisha sizes. Those who often travel and want to take their shisha with them will most probably prefer a smaller, travel-size option that’s easy to carry. Some will prefer a larger unit for home use, something they can conveniently put next to themselves.

Two or Multiple Hose Shisha

These can be the best shisha options to buy when you want to enjoy the experience with friends. However, multiple-hose options often have poorer performance because all other hose tips need to be plugged in in order for one person to pull smoke from the device. Furtnotaley, this can easily be overcome with rubber stoppers or a built-in check valve system.

Single-Hose Shisha

These are the best shisha to buy if you are solely going for performance. There are no performance sacrifices here, and nobody has to plug their hose tips when you want to pull out smoke.
