Alright, so here is the deal.

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OK so quests aren't actually my favorite thing to RuneScape gold do in the world, so I have not done very many . However, I have determined I would like to do all of the quests that are similar to the" must do" quests. I am seeking to do quests that have fairly useful rewards. I do not mind training some skills to get requirements if I need to. Are there some other quests which I could do?

Alright, so here is the deal... I'm gont get membership again and I had been thinking of ways to make cash (around 20m would do for me personally ), but it seems like every method I came across to, was boring. But when I discovered about God Wars Dungeon, it seemed pretty interesting. I can not kill the boss, so I am considering going after his minions. And they do appear to fall seeds that may be a good enough cash resource. So here is my question...

Am I prepared for God Wars Dungeon yet? If yeah, then please compose what equipments will be good for me. I am really desperate for cash. And skilling seems to take forever.While I do get mems I will for certain own: Guthans (utilizing helm and spear only when curing ). D boots. Black mask (soon to be slayer helm after many quests) Whip. Rune defender (already have). Fury. Sara Sword (possibly haven't determined yet). Combat Bracelet/Bracelet of Regeneration (which can be better?) . But what else men? Thank you for any and all help. Well I now have roughly level 52 ranged, 33 mage, 41 hp, 1 str, att, def, prayer, summoning and 35cb...

I was wondering if I should get def on this account. Money is not really a problem as this acc has no money making skills and is already a runescape millionaire (acc is 6 days old) so that I don't NEED to get def around save food, but wished to know if I should/when I should. Also I was wondering if I need to get att/str. I think I could get like 70 att/str levels with no cb atm (but I am also worried about hp levels adding for my own cb) and lastly I wanted to buy RS gold know if I need to train mage through combat, teletabs (this option is hard for me as I don't have easy access to a lectern) or just utilizing tele spells. Again I am only worried about the hp levels adding to my cb when I train through combat.
