The Incredible Hulk-like man was giving a lesson on crafting to WOW Classic TBC Gold a bunch of sprouts at the entrance to The Wench. Another bard was playing EDM-style nonsense on a Harp, with cats waving glow sticks.
I was surrounded by so plenty of user-created, player-driven and loved content. These people weren't just stopping at Limsa to purchase some items and then go to their next grind in search of pre-raid BiS or some rare mount. They were taking part in activities they enjoy in their game, with people who like doing the same things.
For those who have only or mainly exclusively played FFXIV, I assure you that I'm certainly not going to make this in the name of farm good luck. This isn't the case in WoW. The closest thing to this that I've experienced in the last six years in WoW was to walk through one city, in a circle, with 20 other players on the same mount. Cities are the place for vendoring auctioning, and waiting in WoW. It's not like WoW has any conversations, and certainly nobody gives crafting lessons or has concerts. You're unlikely to receive a response when you ask a player to buy TBC Classic Gold make an appearance for an item.