This is just some quick tips for classes

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Howdy, I made a similar topic in Customer Support but was directed here by other users and a moderator for a possibly more definitive answer should the “WoTLK Gold” people read my concerns.

Long story short: my current computer barely falls short of the minimal system requirements for BFA and onwards. Buying a new computer is just not in my budget and won’t be for the extended forseeable future.

If, by some stroke of luck, someone with access to a more solid idea of what will be needed to run Classic is able to confirm what is doable and what isn’t, that would be lovely. Thank you for your time.

This is just some quick tips for classes/specs who may have trouble questing or leveling in general. It is also a good way to capture reputation from green and grey quests.

It does take longer than traditional and other leveling schemes, but it provides many benefits as well.

So basically what you do is do your intro mini-zone for your character (Northshire, Valley of Trials, etc) and quest till around 6-7. Then you go to another intro mini-zone for your faction and do those as well.

Then on to the third and final mini-zone before doing the whole zone completely. You then repeat this for all zones incrementally until 60 or until you have done every zone if you so choose.

Feel free to post any feedback, questions buy WoTLK Gold, or suggestions and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Thanks -Solhuntah-Bloodsail Buccaneers.
