After CDCs New Recommendation the MLB Se
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) i sued a on Sunday. For anyone yearning for the start of the baseball season, it's a pretty significant gut-punch.-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Major League Baseball, along with other profe sional sports leagues like the
Milwaukee Brewers Jersey NBA, NHL, and MLS have abided by the recommendations of the CDC so far in this very fluid situation. Of course, if MLB decides to abide by this recommendation, or if the federal government enforces this as regulation, the start of the baseball season will get pushed back significantly past the wishful two-week delay originally announced.Eight weeks from the time the
Corey Knebel Jersey CDC recommended an eight-week limitation is May 10th. When the media talked to Rangers manager Chris Woodward, he expre sed how long teams may need to ramp things back up before the actual season begins."I think MLB is pretty aware that you can't just give us a week," Woodward said. "I would say three-to-four weeks, we would need a heads up. Hopefully sooner than later, they'll give us a start date which we can work backwards from
Paul Molitor Jersey there."Scroll to ContinueWorst-case scenario, four weeks from May 10th in June 7th. And this is all stemming from the time the CDC made its . Nothing has yet been enforced by Major League Baseball, other profe sional leagues, or federal or state governments.This could be a similar situation as last week where one league decides to shut it down for eight weeks and all the other leagues follow suit. They could also have no choice if the
Eric Thames Jersey government steps in.Nothing is official, so this is still considered to be conjecture. But when we look at the pattern of events from last five days, the writing may already be on the wall.
Yovani Gallardo Jersey Local and state governments are taking more and more drastic steps on a daily basis to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. It would be surprising if these profe sional sports league did NOT do something drastic in a similar effort to prevent the spread.So sit tight. It may be a while before baseball is played again. Probably June. Maybe even as late as July. Anything earlier is a very warm welcome.