There are ways to purchase and craft Legendary Gems

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The game also has a free variant of battle passes D2R Items which comes with some substantial benefits. This is a huge amount of free content, and Blizzard is promising free updates in the form of new classes, dungeons and story content on a regular basis. If you just want to play with friends and enjoy your story, and also the fresh content in, you're able to do so.

Things get more complicated in the final stages, when it becomes more difficult to keep building your character. It is necessary to be content with limited access to important items such as Legendary Crests. These are extremely valuable objects that Diablo Immortal will only give to players who have a free-to-play account on rare occasions.

Legendary Crests can be used as consumable objects that, when played in combination with an Elder Rift, guarantee a Legendary Gem drop. They also have a an extremely small chance of obtaining an incredibly rare (and highly effective) 5 Star Legendary Gem.

This is the principal method of acquiring new Legendary gems that are an essential element to continue to power up your character's potential in Diablo Immortal's ultimate game. Free-to-play players tend to choose to use the more usual Rare Crests, which don't ensure a Legendary Gem drop however they do increase your odds.

While there are ways to purchase and craft Legendary Gems, doing so is more time-consuming and resource-intensive than simply paying money to purchase more Legendary Crests in the store as well as completing Elder Rifts to earn gems.

Being a free-to-play player can also mean buy D2R Ladder Items that you'll be able to access fewer gold or crafting resources compared to players who are willing to invest money, therefore progress with upgrading equipment or buying certain items may be slower.
