John Hight: That's tough. I'm fond of farming

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Brian Birmingham: Yes, that's the truth. We can actually get an increase of fourfold in the amount of people within an individual realm now.John Hight: There's still going to WoTLK Gold be queues most likely after we launch and I hope that they'll be shorter However, it's still worth it.Brian Birmingham: Yeah certainly. There are still upper limits of what we're willing to support although it's not as high as it was certainly. We're always looking to enhance that.

When you are asked to rank WoW expansions is akin to picking your favorite child. But when you think about The Burning Crusade as the first of the current eight expansions to WoW, what are your best memories? Things that remain with you through the years?

Brian Birmingham: For me, Karazhan is top of the list of things to do. This one has stuck with me through the years as one of my favourite raidsbecause it's so cool and magical. castle with a fresh unexpected encounter waiting at every turn with ghostly servants in Servants Quarters to otherworldly dragons on the top floorand demons hiding in the bookshelves. It's unbelievable; the number of fascinating and fascinating encounters you'll experience while you wander around this creepy haunted castle is something I enjoy every moment of it.

John Hight: That's tough. I'm fond of farming, and I'm looking forward to getting another drake to fight over those eggs. I was a player on a PVP realm so that was certainly an unforgettable and sometimes frustrating experience however, it was definitely a huge accomplishment after I had these eggs. I'm guessing that the domed cities or biomes in Netherstorm. I remember when I was a kid, I saw the sci-fi film Silent Running where they have these dome cities out in space buy WoTLK Classic Gold. It was like "Oh I like that! That's a very cool concept." Then I realized that it was within WoW and how else can you imagine a universe that features domed cities from Ethereal travelers from another time?
