I started WoW while gearscore was soaring up

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Early Runescape is a wonderful community. It is possible to travel through Varrock and Falador and find a multitude of players doing different things. Or, go to World 2 to find the trading sites. Many people "wasted" time playing various mini-games, but nowadays, everyone breaks each activity down to gold/hour or xp/hour.

I started WoW while gearscore was soaring up, but before LFG was even introduced (dps meters were already in use). There was a change in community , from being cautious about toxic players to do the dungeons, instead of kicking the lowest level dps , and being replaced in a matter of seconds. It's even more severe in WoW "interview" process for joining a group has changed from checking their equipment to scrutinizing all of their experience (people generally want you to be able to demonstrate 4 years of experience to get their entry-level post).

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