Which is a better thought and so are there any better ways to get rid of this junk?

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Which is a better thought and so are there any better ways to get rid of this junk? The second option is most likely the better one. Maple longs do not sell very quickly (if at all) on the G.E. and it'll take forever to offer them from the different'shops' and even then you will have a massive loss on the maples. Another thought about the maples. If you do not need to RS gold sell them you can drop batches of them off in the party room. You can then go bass while the shards on at the G.E.Alright, through cutting yews that has been long and slow, I've managed to acquire 500k. I've only spent 100k on several teak logs, because I have a notion. I thought I would post it here to find confirmation on it however, or if anybody else has some better idea's about a simple but efficient way to make money with about 300k-500k to begin with. I will turn all 1k of teak logs into boards (I know I will run out of money before I get all 1k into planks) And then I sell them.

So theoretically I'm buying the logs and making them into boards, at a cost of 590gp each board. (Including the cost of the logs) On the G.E. teak planks sell for 700gp to 800gp. I thought, hmmm, this may be a way to convert 500k in to 700k-800k. True, doesn't sound like a good deal. But cutting all of those yews for such a long time, I'm unsure of which is quicker unless I timed it, in which case my opinion isn't in working order right now. So, to all you wealthy people out there with 30m+, is this a good approach to retailer with 500k? Can I keep cutting yews? Or is there something else I can do?

I was wondering whether it had been possible to barrow with my stats using the next setup. I'm going to get 55 slayer if this will work. Hi once more. And once again, question. I have seen people praise scimitars. So, I've bought one and was abandoned with some unanswerable questions. All these bonuses counted with complete rune, cape, regular boots and explorer ring lvl3. It is obvious, scimitar does not offer any substantial bonus. Actually. Longsword is much better. The question is: is there any reason to choose scimitar instead of longsword?

I am not quite certain what to do now. I want some tips on what abilities to raise, perhaps some stuff to do. I'm also running out of ideas to make money at the moment. I have 3.1m right now, and can not determine what to do to double or cheap RuneScape gold triple that amount. Below are a few goals I had been considering. . .maybe someone can assist me in this region? Get Fighter Torso. Get 175 quest points and complete Recipe for Disaster, Desert Treasure, and Regicide. (All the ones who have exceptional rewards.) . Get a 99 in Cooking or Fletching. I would prefer to have Cooking, as it is my highest ability right now. Get all skills 50+, maybe 55+. Get 100 battle, possibly 85 strength.
