Can we get some voices within this thread from people

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Can we get some voices within this thread from people

Either way 95+ hours 60 is Animal Crossing Bells great value.

I'ts unreal how difficult some things are.

Potential villagers and yet I can't ask a person to leave. Whenever someone is at the campsite, I have to go through the most infuriating tune and dance to get them to move in and then I'm not even permitted to choose who I wanted to move out.

This, along with a lot of goofy little things, make a calm encounter turn sour in such an unnecessary way.

I truly HATED the lengthy, dull tutorial of NH. I know they needed it to feel like you are developing a city on a distant island from nothing, but it had been such a constant slog to get through.

They could have condensed it into like the first 3 days of playing but spreading it out over two literal weeks wasn't fun in any way. The first few days were just walking around and picking weeds basically because you could not even get your whole island or the main buildings were under construction

Can we get some voices within this thread from people who really enjoyed the game? It's going to end up being the best selling game in the change by the end of this season and each of the best remarks are only"game is dull". I'd rather hear from those who actually like Animal Crossing games and listen to the way they'd wish to improve the series going forward.

I started playing a couple weeks ago and I personally like the goal-oriented arrangement of this game. I am also fond of the Nookmiles achievement system, even though at this stage I am not quite certain what to invest them on besides for clothing.

We can begin improving by making the cheap Animal Crossing New Horizons Items villagers have more meaningful connections and discussions, they now feel like setpieces.
