How working with Micro-Influencers can be profitable?

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Brands and marketers started to attract more micro-influencers to their ad campaigns, and 2022 can be called the year of the micro-influencers’ bloom.

How working with Micro-Influencers can be profitable?


Brands and marketers started to attract more micro-influencers to their ad campaigns, and 2022 can be called the year of the micro-influencers’ bloom. Why so? It’s simple: numbers don’t lie, data helps choose the right people to gain profit. Celebrities and macro-influencers still have their fair share of attention and brands’ money, sure, but in 2022, the focus is not on them anymore. And here are the main reasons why micro influencers can be profitable get more offers – and why this is the right thing to happen.


Macro-influencers have from 100 thousand to 1 million followers. Usually experts name those who have from 10 to 100 thousand followers on any social media platform micro-influencers. The creators who have over 1 million followers are already considered mega-influencers and celebrities. In terms of prestige and helping make a loud statement, celebrities may work better, but micro-influencers usually outperform them in terms of engagement rate and attracting new real customers.


At the beginning of the year, Jonathan Tian, Co-Founder of Mobitrix, said: “When discussing the influencer industry trends in 2022, there will be a massive rise in the demand for micro and nano influencers. Their high engagement rates, adaptability, and affordability make them even more valuable. Moreover, favorable data insights can be achieved more when they use micro-influencers.” Data says micro-influencers are efficient and bring more profit for the least amount of money.


Data-driven approach changes the industry to the micro-influencers’ benefit - Influencer marketing can still be named young, especially compared to traditional marketing fields. So there still is no common standard on how to measure the results of influencer marketing campaigns. But more companies turn to the data-driven approach as data is the only thing that is firm, simple, and true – no matter how and from what point of view you look at it.


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