I am fairly new and wondered if magic is a fantastic place to begin

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I will drink RuneScape gold brew and restore and operate in first. Brew will give me 89 hp and 92 def (great?) . I will prot. From melle while my friend prot. from ranged. Once bandos is dead, we kill each guard 1 at one time. IF we can get it done , my friend sits in NW corner and I sit at middle and att general when he spawns. Question: do I need a sara thing too or am I good? Thus, can I move or not? Any suggestions to my aims?

We Have NO Food or Prayers on. With...?! How come he owned me??? And that he keeps hitting big amount on me? Fudge! How can this be? I've 52 assault!!! 52 attack!!! My 52 attack was suposed to pwn his 48 defence!!! How can this be hopeless?!

Okay, so I'm likely to be a member soon, after I train a few of my own stats. I only want to know what would be some excellent things to train or do after I become a part. I don't have much cash atm, but that I could find some fairly quickly. I only have about 300k in cash at this time, rather than much crap. I intend on purchasing an abby whip the moment I can, but idk what else to do. I am fond of quests, so I will do these, but which ones are best to begin on? And which stats are good to train (for money, or just because).

Hello I am fairly new and wondered if magic is a fantastic place to begin, I left my account a couple of months ago and was able to get my magic up to 21. I seem to recall when I played I could receive totally free runes from the lady outside the castle but she won't give them to me any more for some reason. So I have begun doing runecrafting. The spell I want to cast to train my magical at this level will be apparently Wind Bolt (air and chaos runes needed) so if I just keep mining Wind and Chaos runes to fund my magical ability?

It is a small mission doing the mining, so I have to run into the wizards tower, get 30 blank runes then all of the way into the air altar, then back and forward. Is there a more efficient way of doing it? Also I obviously require chaos runes, if I only get a chaos talisman? If so where do I get it? Thanks for any information, I've tried asking gamers in sport. . But no one appears to be able to talk or spell properly. . Something else I am a bit puzzled by. I suppose it gets better when you enter penis worlds? I RS 2107 Gold hear they are great crimson charm droppers so wish to test them. Exactly what invo and ect...
