Many who argue about Runescape’s imminent death

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Many who argue about Runescape’s imminent death

Many who argue about Runescape’s imminent death (many also trying to mock the game’s recent content) frequently refer to OSRS Gold the Google trend for In case you are not familiar with it here it is. The graph appears to make things appear more bleak than they really are. It's because it appears that the game has little activity, even though it has lots.

It appears that the game is in peril. It's hard to argue with this. Runescape overall has been decreasing since the peak, December 2006. We should not forget other similar games such as World of Warcraft which have been experiencing a decrease in play. However, this graph doesn't mean there is any reason not to be positive about the game.

You may be able to overlook the dramatic decrease in activity and observe the gradual decline towards the end of the graph. In addition, activity hasn't diminished significantly over the last year and a half with real players. The removal of bots has resulted in an increase in the perceived amount of activity, but the decline in regular players lately isn't significant.

Does this mean I am affirming that Runescape isn't dying? Not necessarily. But if it is dying it's dying much more slowly than what the public portrays it to be. Runescape has been unable to recover three activity points to Google trend over the last year and a half. As a comparison, Runescape lost 43 Google Trend activity points between July 2009 and January 2011. This is also a time period of approximately a year and Cheap RS Gold a half. Those who plan on attending the funeral of Runescape shouldn't be having a break from work anytime soon.
