I don't like the method in which these events are planned to generate more revenues on days when most people wouldn't cancel their school membership. How do you plan on spending your bonus XP? I'll likely be runningecrafting in order to RuneScape gold meet the Karamja diary requirements.
Also another aspect. Is anyone still a fan of the Hati Wolf events? Because it offered a fixed amount of Potential XP with a limit on time and the possibility of redeeming that Potential XP in the future, I enjoyed this event better than BXP weekend. It also didn't harm the economy nearly as much nor did it reward those who don't have a life or acc sharing in the same way. Events like this would be much better than BXP weekends (but not only for combat-related skills).
Freeplay is a fraud that many have discovered in the past month. This is due to the high amount of bots, and the suck-running muck that makes actually playing nearly impossible. Two years ago I was playing for free. It took me nearly two years ago that I was able to experience the current. It all boils down to one factor free trade.
But in all honesty, does freeplay need the free trade option? Jagex might argue the opposite, but it's actually a way to become a full member and the full version. It is possible to argue with me, but free players will always be lower up the totem pole. Take into cheap OSRS gold account the benefits of not allowing free trade to freeplayers.